Friday, April 19, 2013

Refining The Call To Ministry...

The following is taken from the latest blog from President Jason K Allen. He leads Midwest Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, KS. I read the article and thought about how important it is that men who accept the "call" to ministry be balanced and sound theologically. Though none of us are "perfect", there should be a certain level of perfection or maturity (James 1:1-4) exhibited by those who desire to lead others (1 Corinthians 11:1). My prayer is that as that we will set the bar high and encourage our men to strive for that bar.--broJT Edmerson, April 19, 2013, Evangelist, Kennedy Heights Church of Christ, Cincinnati, Ohio, 2015, DMIN Candidate, MBTS

Homosexuality, Ordination & a Seminary Degree?

Being a seminary president means you receive mail, and lots of it. Publications from every sector of life flood my office on a daily basis. I enjoy perusing many of these materials, especially those related to theological education. Usually, I am alternately amused and frightened by much of what I read, as each publication demonstrates how unbiblical much of contemporary theological education is in America today.

One such magazine especially caught my attention in recent months. The publication, entitled Mosaic, is the institutional magazine published by Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Institutional magazines such as this are typically little more than puff pieces, meant to update the school’s constituency on campus happenings, positive institutional developments, and to present the school’s mission and achievements in a winsome manner.

Against this backdrop, one of Mosaic’s featured stories from its fall 2012 edition stopped me in my tracks. The article, “Extending the Gift of Welcome to All: LPTS Student Maurice ‘Bojangles’ Blanchard Discovers his ‘True Colors,’” highlighted Blanchard’s alternative lifestyle and ministry pursuit.

Blanchard is a practicing homosexual and alternative lifestyle advocate in the Louisville, Ky. area. He was recently ordained to ministry by his church, Highland Baptist, a church that long ago abandoned affiliation with the SBC, the Kentucky Baptist Convention and the local, Long Run Association. Blanchard leads “True Colors” at his church, a ministry created to attract members of the homosexual community.

My interest intensified when I read Blanchard’s testimony regarding his perceived call to ministry and his ensuing pursuit of theological education. Blanchard reflected on his interaction with the seminary administration and community, noting, “I didn’t go there [Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary] looking for them to say ‘You’re gay and I affirm you. I wanted to go there and hear, ‘You’re in ministry, and I affirm that,’ and I felt that from day one.”

Embedded within Blanchard’s statement is a ruinous logic. At first reading, one might find Blanchard’s dichotomy between personal lifestyle and call to ministry acceptable and even appealing, especially in the modern milieu of subjective, autonomous spirituality. A closer look, however, reminds us that the New Testament does not proffer this option. To be called to ministry, one must possess a lifestyle that passes scriptural muster, for God’s Holy Spirit does not contradict God’s Holy Word, and vice versa.

Indeed, I Timothy 3:1–7 and Titus 1:6–9 make clear that God’s standard for ministry is high. The threshold is high because the office is high. The office is high because we serve a high God who guards the glory of His name and His church.

The point is not so much that we sit in judgment of Blanchard, or anyone else pursuing ministry. Rather, the point is that the Word of God judges us all. Sadly, one need not look to non-evangelical entities to find confusion pertaining to the call to ministry. Evangelical churches often exhibit ambiguity and contradiction surrounding the call to ministry and the character marks that are to accompany it.

I Timothy 3:1–7 offers a clear and nonnegotiable list of character qualifications for the gospel ministry. This list is prescriptive, not descriptive; it is regulative, not suggestive. To be sure, in ministry it is helpful to be winsome and eloquent; furthermore, it never hurts to possess a magnetic personality. Yet, before one should look for these secondary—and tertiary—desires, one must first meet the qualifications of I Timothy 3.

What is more, the qualifications for ministry enumerated in I Timothy 3:1–7 do not simply represent a one-time threshold to cross. Rather, it is a lifestyle to be maintained, a character to be cultivated, and an ongoing accountability to God’s Word and God’s people. One’s call to ministry is inextricably linked to one’s biblical character. The two cannot—and must not—be decoupled.

One need not be perfect to be a minister, but one does have to be above reproach. Clearly, the point is not perfection. If that were the case, then a qualified seminary student—or seminary president—could not be found. The point is that God’s call to ministry on a person’s life corresponds with the affirmation of the people of God and the approbation of God’s Word. A church that rejects the scriptural qualifications for ministry doth not a biblical ordination make.

My heart harbors no ill feeling toward Mr. Blanchard. Rather my heart carries grief for him, his church, and those to whom he ministers. He is a sinner, as am I. I am, however, deeply grieved by the moral and ministerial confusion he exhibits.

The tragedy in the story of Mr. Blanchard is not that it is one more incremental step toward the full normalization of homosexuality in our culture. The tragedy is that an erstwhile minister, who lives in rebellion against God’s moral and ministerial standards, bears false witness about the nature of the church, the transformative power of the gospel, and the biblical expectation of ministers. In so doing, he tarnishes the glory of Christ. Whether it is by means of an aberrant lifestyle or the display of more acceptable and domesticated sins, any attempt to separate a call to ministry from godly character is a division that cannot be made. What God hath joined together, who are we to separate?

Yet Blanchard’s story is more than an article to be lamented; it is a sober reminder for all pursuing ministry. In the words of the Apostle Paul, “Pay attention to your life and to your doctrine, as you do you will ensure salvation for yourself and those who hear you.” Taken from

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Why Are There So Many Churches?


You are receiving this invitation on behalf of a friend or family member who attends Kennedy Heights Church of Christ. This person feels you would be interested in attending a special event at our congregation.

You are invited to attend our Midday Matinee` on Saturday, April 6 from 3-5pm at the church building. At this event, we will be viewing a short film entitled “Why Are There So Many Churches?”.  This eye-opening piece explores the title question and is filled with Bible-based facts that answer such a relevant question. We will have some fun refreshments for you to enjoy during the presentation. Afterward, we invite you to participate in a Q&A discussion about the film, followed by a time for fellowship, more discussion, and more snacks.

At Kennedy Heights, we are always looking for ways to help others. To that end, we are adjoining a service opportunity to the Midday Matinee, and we hope you will be willing to assist us. We will be collecting canned and non-perishable food items for the less fortunate as “admission” to the event. These items will be donated to the market at the Madisonville Education Assistance Center (aka MEAC) to be distributed to those in need. Please bring your contribution, and don’t miss an easy opportunity to serve others with us on that day!

It is our hope that you will join us for this very special event. If you’ve ever wondered how it came to be that there are so many religious organizations and beliefs (or even if you haven’t), you will find this movie very informative. Feel free to bring your friends, family members and neighbors with you- the more, the merrier! We look forward to meeting you!


Kennedy Heights Church of Christ

WHO: You, your family, friends, and neighbors!
WHAT: Midday Matinee
WHEN: Saturday, April 6th, 2013 from 3-5pm
WHERE: Kennedy Heights Church of Christ, 5930 Red Bank Road (corner of Red Bank and Woodford roads), Cincinnati, Ohio 45213  |  513.793.4309
WHY: Why not?!?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A New Year Brings New Opportunities!

Here we are again at the begining of another year. Perhaps it is wise to think about the kind of year that we had and the kind of year that we want to have...

A New Year With The Lord
A new year is about to unfold
With new opportunities to explore
Doors will open for new experiences,
New adventures with the Lord

Remember not the former things,
The things of this past year,
The Lord will do new things in us
Much more than we are aware

For He will make a way for us
As we put our trust in Him
And He will guide our every step
By His presence we have within

What God has placed within our hearts,
We find we'll be able to do
If we look for the opportunities,
We'll see the door to go through

We mustn't let anything hold us back
But rise up and take our place
And be all that God wants us to be
With a fresh touch of His grace

© By M.S.Lowndes

Monday, July 9, 2012

Paul Williams, LIVE in Cincinnati, August 12-15, 2012!

Paul WIlliams, Singer/Songwriter & Producer
Live in Cincinnati, August 12-15, 2012 
Paul and Charlie WIlson of the Gap Band
Tabernacle featuring Paul Williams
Paul ministering in Worship!
Paul performing LIVE!

Few people in the Music Industry have the background of Paul Williams. Formerly
of the Gap Band, Paul brings an energy and professionalism unparalleled in acappella
gospel music. Be in attendance at the Homecoming & Revival of the Church of Christ Kennedy
Heights in Cincinnati, OH as Paul uniquely ministers in song. Don't miss this great event!

On Sunday, August 12, 2012 at 10:30 AM, Paul will lead the morning worship service. Later, at 3 PM, Paul will headline the Program & Gospel Concert. Then, nightly, Mon-Wed at 7 PM, Paul will lead the evening worship services with the service  beginning at 7 PM.

For more information, call 513-793-4309.

Church of Christ Kennedy Heights
5930 Red Bank Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45213
Senior Minister John T. Edmerson

Paul's latest music:
Thank God for Today on itunes.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Let The Spirit of the Lord Rise Among US!

Fasten your seat belts for an exciting time in the Lord at the Church of Christ Kennedy Heights, 5930 Red Bank Rd, Cincinnati, OH, 45213, Sunday, August 12, 2012 - Wednesday, August 15, 2012.

Sunday Worship, 10:30 AM

--Guest Speaker, bro Paul Day
Oak Gardens Church of Christ
Dallas, TX

--Guest Music Minister
Dorian Paul Williams
Trinity Gardens Church of Christ
Houston, Texas

Meal served after AM service.
Sunday Afternoon Program and Concert, 3 PM.
Nightly worship and praise, 7 PM!

Re: Questions...
For more info, call 7934309 or email

Here is a congregational link of the song, Let The Spirit of the Lord Rise Among Us.

Let the Spirit featuring Chris Turner

See ya in August!